2024 RedBull Rampage - Robin Goomes

Women’s Red Bull Rampage // 2024 

A million incremental steps leading to a historic week of firsts for women. 
The first-year women were invited to participate in Red Bull Rampage. 
The first woman to drop in at Rampage. 
The first woman to win Red Bull Rampage. 
A week of firsts for Robin Goomes. 

In honor of women making history, all words and photos in this piece are from women.
Words by Kayla Parker 
Photos by
Robin O'Neill - @robinoneill
Dominique Powers - @dominiquepowers
Hannah Sourbeer - @sour_beer
“Plan A is to win Rampage. Plan B is to have fun on my bike.”
- Robin Goomes

 With no prior year’s results, women drew numbers to assign numberplates and subsequent drop order. Robin was last to draw with only one plate remaining - #1, sealing her fate at the top of the start list.

“It’s nerve-wracking having that number one plate and going first. But at the same time it’s an honor. I’ll take it.”
– Robin Goomes

With her #1 number plate mounted to her custom Barbie themed bike and kit, she and her dig crew were ready to get dirty – ten days of scoping, digging, building, guineapig-ing, and sessioning. All leading up to finals day, where hopefully all that hard work pays off and culminates in a perfectly laced, top-to-bottom run. 

“My inspiration for the bike came from watching the Barbie Movie. It’s about time women got their chance to be a part of Red Bull Rampage so it only seemed right to channel that bad bitch Barbie energy and have it on my bike!”
- Robin Goomes

Goomes wrapped up the final day of practice by hitting her biggest drop and signature backflip. Everything had been tried at least once and she was ready to put it all together. 

“I am going into tomorrow feeling pretty good; I am honestly trying not to think about it. It is tough, but it is just another day. Every single day out here has been challenging; it has all been part of Rampage. Rampage does not start tomorrow; it started ten days ago. This is just the final piece.”
– Robin Goomes

The rapid temperature swing between cool fall nights and the early morning desert heat brings the high winds common to this time of year, and the morning of the Women’s event was no different. All seven women watched the windsocks awaiting reprieve long enough to complete their line. With the support of the entire women’s field, Goomes stood on the platform and found the perfect time. She executed a nearly perfect run, stomping both of her planned backflips, nearly vertical natural chute, and her massive 41-foot Slut Drop, earning her 85 points and the score to beat. And no one did. 

“I cased every hit on my practice run this morning, but it was almost a good thing because I f**ked them up so badly I knew exactly what I needed to do to fix it.”
- Robin Goomes
“It does not feel real; it feels like I am living in a movie. I am so lost for words. It’s insane.” 
- Robin Goomes

Looking for more insight into what it takes to compete in Red Bull Rampage? Check out Robin's Vlogs of the build days all the way to finals.