Ambassador Highlight - Britt Greer
As the founder of the COMBA Women's Program, Yeti Cycles Ambassador Britt Greer is committed to getting more women on bikes. Through skills clinics, maintenance nights, coaching, and dig days, Britt continues to support, grow and empower the Colorado women's MTB community.
Words by Britt Greer:
My first couple seasons riding, I had zero knowledge of how to fix basic mechanicals, so one day I asked a shop mechanic if he’d stay late and help me and a few friends learn some things. That was the initial impetus for founding the COMBA Women’s Program. I was on the COMBA board at the time and we had our women’s rides, but I wanted to create a community that was more expansive. One that felt safe to be vulnerable, was welcoming to everyone, a place to learn and grow, and to elevate women in our riding community. That was in 2017. We are now wrapping up our 8th season and it’s amazing to see how much this program and community has grown over the years. With Yeti Cycles as a committed and genuine partner from day one, the program now hosts around 800 women annually across 25 events ranging from; hands-on mechanics classes, skills clinics, group rides, and trail work events. We have a dedicated team of 6 core leaders who continually push us to show up better for our community. To be more inclusive, to lean into the hard conversations, to continue creating inclusive spaces and break down barriers. We could never do the work we do without each of them.

I started coaching in 2015 and instantly felt a sort of calling. I think it’s so important that our society continues to elevate women in all facets of life. My small contribution to that has been with mountain biking. I love helping women break through barriers, feel empowered, discover a newfound confidence, and safely progress their riding. The grit and determination we inevitably develop on the bike starts to transfer to every aspect of our lives. Coaching allows me to be a tiny part of that snowball effect for others and I feel grateful for the chance to contribute to their journey.

I started racing in 2014 and still continue to race through motherhood with young kids, but never too seriously. My race goals were never to chase podiums, but rather personal growth. For me, racing is motivation to keep progressing. It pushes me to open it up and go faster than I might otherwise. My mindset has always been to have fun, go fast, and above all, stay safe. Even now, somehow still competing in the pro category, I approach each race with the same balanced perspective. It's not about the competition, but more about embracing fast and grueling days on my bike with friends – experiences I might not carve out time for otherwise – especially in motherhood.
My mindset has always been to have fun, go fast, and above all, stay safe.Britt Greer

Pedaling into motherhood:
Strangers often did a hard double take. At first glance, I looked like any other mountain biker. It always took a moment for other trail users to notice the huge belly extending to my bars.
For both pregnancies, I was on my bike almost every day leading up to (or even well past) my due dates. I cherished those quiet rides with a life growing inside me – sharing the joy with my babies in utero and connecting with them on trail when all the chaos of life slows down. For me, mountain biking isn't just a sport—it's a path of empowerment, health, joy and now in motherhood, sanity and shinrin-yoku, which I’m a firm believer in.
Motherhood changes things a little. Okay…a lot. But change isn’t a bad thing. I love sharing mountain biking with my tiny humans (now 2.5 years and 5 months old). Biking with Jo on my handlebars, listening to her scream “wohoo bikes!” and introducing them to the all-encompassing joy of the sport – it makes me happier than ever before. Sure, my rides these days are shorter and less epic than I’d like, I’m constantly having to pull over to pump (not my tires), life feels harder than ever before, and I’m generally exhausted. But life is all about trade-offs and evolving. Embracing change and challenge – something us mountain bikers are notoriously good at. This sport has shaped us all to be tough, and that strength & grit pours into all aspects of our lives, motherhood included.

If you want to learn more about what we do, check out this short film we created in 2021 with Yeti, THOR industries and fellow ambassador Brooke Goudy: Pedaling with Purpose.