As a rider, I like to aim to be as versatile as possible. I love every discipline, but I like to focus on gravity riding and freeride at this point in my career!Whether it's dirt jumps or bike park laps, I'm about it!
Yeti bike of choice - why?
SB160 because its an all-around ripper!
What is your first memory on a bike?
My first memory was hitting a ramp my dad made out of wood on a 16 inch mongoose!
Best feeling on a bike?
Best feeling on a bike scrubbing off a perfect lip and nosing it in!
What is your biggest source of inspiration outside of mountain biking? Why?
My biggest source of motivation outside of mountain biking would have to be Moto! The speed and aggression are so rad to see.
A word of advice to the groms
Just ride for the right reasons and be one with the bike!
Speed or Style?
Style always!
Top 3 riding destinations
Whistler BC, Pacific City, Oregon and Santa Cruz, CA.
- 2021 BME Overall - 3rd
- 2021 Sea Otter Classic Dual Slalom - 2nd
- 2019 TDS Enduro - 4th (lost a shoe)

Warren’s Kit

Kit Details
My bike setup is fairly simple. I run a size large SB150 frame, with a 50mm OneUp stem to keep my reach short. I run narrow bars at 760mm so I can weave through trees and turn comfortably. I like new grips cause it just feels like a new bike with freshies. I run my suspension with low speed open and high speed halfway closed. I like running dual Cushcore, but it depends on the tracks. I run an assegai up front with a minion in the rear. I don't usually change much so I am always comfortable on the bike.
- Freshie grips
- Dual Cushcore
- 760-780mm bars
- 50mm stem
- Levers out
- Bars rolled forward